24/7 Call out

About our company 

Welcome to Flexi Hydraulic Services Ltd. Within our business we mainly do mobile hose repair/services and supply/repair hydraulic cylinders, pumps and motors. Please feel free to give us a ring on 07803070397 if you have any questions on how we can help you with any hydraulic needs. We cover Immingham and the surrounding towns/villages. We are a 24 hour call out company and aim to get to you as soon as quick as possible!

Our commitment

Our commitment is to provide all of our customers with quality products, exceptional services and incomparable customer care. We never stop improving, and will continue to expand our offerings based on how we can best serve Immingham and the surrounding towns/villages. Get in touch with us today to learn how Flexi Hydraulic Services Ltd can help you.

Satisfaction guaranteed

Please feel free to phone or email us with queries, quotes or any questions. We will get back to you ASAP.

Working hours

24 hour call out 
8am-5pm working hours
5pm-8am out of hours call out 

Get in touch

Flexi Hydraulic Services Ltd is committed to exceeding your needs. Questions, free quotes or anything else? We'd love to hear from you, so don't hesitate to reach out today.

Phone - 07803070397
E-mail - flexihyd@hotmail.co.uk

Immingham, North East Lincolnshire, England

Hydraulic engineers with years of experience

All your hydraulic needs 

Flexi Hydraulic Services Ltd
All rights reserved 2020
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